Project: 25 Northumberland Road at the Battle of Mount Street Bridge

edition: The Battle at 25 Northumberland Road: A 3D Scholarly Edition

by Susan SchreibmanKelly Gillikin SchoueriJohn KaulakisLuca MoineSandra Martinez Böhmeand Billy DonnellyBrian Hughes
Published: 1/1 ⌲
You may not check articlesask: Dirk Roorda or Gillikin-Schoueri, Kelly (LK) or Papadopoulos, Costas (LK) or Schreibman, Susan (LK) or Walsh, Alicia (LK) (site owner)
You may not re-publishask: Dirk Roorda or Gillikin-Schoueri, Kelly (LK) or Papadopoulos, Costas (LK) or Schreibman, Susan (LK) or Walsh, Alicia (LK) (site owner)
You may not force-re-publishask: Dirk Roorda or Gillikin-Schoueri, Kelly (LK) or Papadopoulos, Costas (LK) or Schreibman, Susan (LK) or Walsh, Alicia (LK) (site owner)
You may not un-publishask: Dirk Roorda or Gillikin-Schoueri, Kelly (LK) or Papadopoulos, Costas (LK) or Schreibman, Susan (LK) or Walsh, Alicia (LK) (site owner)







Model files


This 3D Scholarly Edition utilises a 3D reconstruction to contextualise and narrate the events focusing the first building the British troops (The Sherwood Foresters) encountered on the afternoon of 26 April 1916 on their march into the city centre. The building was held by Irish Volunteers Michael Malone and James Grace of C Company, 3rd Battalion of the Dublin Brigade of Irish Volunteers. Sources agree that the battle began around 12.30 on Wednesday afternoon as the Volunteers shot at oncoming British troops. The time the building fell is contested as sources provide varying accounts.


no description


no provenance

How to use

no instructionalMethod

Scene information

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      • articles:
        • (#0OslaaFgeLPu) Voyager Tutorial:
          • id: 0OslaaFgeLPu
          • leads:
            • EN:Guide for understanding and navigating the Voyager Explorer Interface.
          • taglist:
            • EN: []
          • titles:
            • EN: Voyager Tutorial
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/voyager-tutorial.html
        • (#UqAeAv7OGJGT) The Uprising:
          • id: UqAeAv7OGJGT
          • leads:
            • EN:Around midday on Monday 24 April 1916, Patrick Pearse read a proclamation on behalf of the ‘Provisional Government of the Irish Republic’ at the front of the General Post Office (GPO) on Dublin’s Sackville Street (now O’Connell Street).
          • taglist:
            • EN: []
          • titles:
            • EN: The Uprising
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/The-Uprising.html
        • (#0K7gYuJnKZyc) The Positioning of Malone's Force:
          • id: 0K7gYuJnKZyc
          • leads:
            • EN:Irish Volunteers took up strategic positions around Dublin on Easter Monday in anticipation of the British response, they positioned men on the main roads leading to the city centre so as to block or at least impede the British advance.
          • taglist:
            • EN: []
          • titles:
            • EN: The Positioning of Malone's Force
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/The-Positioning-of-C-Company.html
        • (#bKTQkoIrIhWN) 25 Northumberland Road:
          • id: bKTQkoIrIhWN
          • leads:
            • EN:25 Northumberland Road, a three-storey, Victorian terraced townhouse on the corner of the junction with Haddington Road, was the most southerly building occupied by C Company.
          • taglist:
            • EN: []
          • titles:
            • EN: 25 Northumberland Road
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/25-Northumberland-Road.html
        • (#z8I7ZdPxx2GD) Confrontation at Beggars Bush Barracks:
          • id: z8I7ZdPxx2GD
          • leads:
            • EN:Before occupying the building, three men who were later to occupy 25 Northumberland Road , Seamus Grace, Paddy Rowe, and Michael Byrne.
          • taglist:
            • EN: []
          • titles:
            • EN: Confrontation at Beggars Bush Barracks
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/The-Occupants-of-25-Northumberland-Road.html
        • (#AGPVSVDqLrk0) Battle Preparations:
          • id: AGPVSVDqLrk0
          • leads:
            • EN:At first 25 Northumberland Road was fortified by four men: Michael Malone, the commanding officer, Seamus Grace, Paddy Rowe, and Michael Byrne.
          • taglist:
            • EN: []
          • titles:
            • EN: Battle Preparations
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/Battle-Preparations.html
        • (#3xFLyX92VL4N) Michael Malone:
          • id: 3xFLyX92VL4N
          • leads:
            • EN:Michael Malone (1888-1916) was the commanding officer in charge of C Company’s defence of Northumberland Road, and a lieutenant in the 3rd Battalion of the Irish Volunteers. Born in Dublin, Malone was a carpenter who had won prizes in art and drawing from the Technical Schools.
          • taglist:
            • EN: []
          • titles:
            • EN: Michael Malone
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/Michael-Malone.html
        • (#LAl607T8xPNr) Malone's Mauser "Peter the Painter":
          • id: LAl607T8xPNr
          • leads:
            • EN:His handgun, nicknamed the “broomhandle” for its grip, was a ten round, 7.63x25mm semi-automatic pistol produced by German arms manufacturer Mauser from 1896. The C96, due to its long barrel and grade of ammunition, had a superior range compared to other handguns of the time.
          • taglist:
            • EN: []
          • titles:
            • EN: Malone's Mauser "Peter the Painter"
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/Malones-Mauser-Peter-the-Painter.html
        • (#vg6ZfBSoE0L6) Seamus Grace:
          • id: vg6ZfBSoE0L6
          • leads:
            • EN:Fighting alongside Malone at 25 Northumberland Road was Seamus Grace (1888-1959) who was also a volunteer serving in C Company.
          • taglist:
            • EN: []
          • titles:
            • EN: Seamus Grace
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/Seamus-Grace.html
        • (#UdnmwZ8xvg2U) Grace's Rifle:
          • id: UdnmwZ8xvg2U
          • leads:
            • EN:In August of 1915, Grace deserted the Canadian army and returned to Ireland.
          • taglist:
            • EN: []
          • titles:
            • EN: Grace's Rifle
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/Graces-Rifle.html
        • (#SUnh1KCVXOWK) The Storming of 25 Northumberland Road:
          • id: SUnh1KCVXOWK
          • leads:
            • EN:The occupants of 25 Northumberland Road and the Sherwood Foresters continued to exchange fire as the battle progressed.
          • taglist:
            • EN: []
          • titles:
            • EN: The Storming of 25 Northumberland Road
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/Storming-25.html
        • (#3Sosv3wmZYid) Michael Malone's Death:
          • id: 3Sosv3wmZYid
          • leads:
            • EN:The British troops managed to cut Malone and Grace off from each other leaving them unable to enact their planned last stand at the top of the house. While Grace managed to escape to the cellar, Malone was killed by rifle fire as he descended the building’s main staircase
          • taglist:
            • EN: []
          • titles:
            • EN: Michael Malone's Death
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/Michael-Malones-Death.html
        • (#idtw0nCncoXw) Seamus Grace's Escape:
          • id: idtw0nCncoXw
          • leads:
            • EN:Grace escaped from the building through the basement into the back garden. By climbing over the garden wall, he reached the nearby Percy Lane.
          • taglist:
            • EN: []
          • titles:
            • EN: Seamus Grace's Escape
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/Seamus-Graces-Escape.html
        • (#EY55WloMRxYw) Frongoch Prison Camp and Mass Amnesty for Irish Prisoners:
          • id: EY55WloMRxYw
          • leads:
            • EN:Grace spent time in multiple prisons including in Yorkshire and North Wales. He was one of 1,800 Irish prisoners detained in Frongoch internment camp in North Wales after the Rising.
          • taglist:
            • EN: []
          • titles:
            • EN: Frongoch Prison Camp and Mass Amnesty for Irish Prisoners
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/Frongoch-Prison-Camp.html
        • (#KhJWUlCx1RwN) Grace's Life after the Rising:
          • id: KhJWUlCx1RwN
          • leads:
            • EN:Eventually, Grace rejoined the Irish Volunteers and was active during the War of Independence where he suffered a gunshot wound to the leg in 1919. Grace was also active in the Anti-Treaty IRA during the Civil War.
          • taglist:
            • EN: []
          • titles:
            • EN: Grace's Life after the Rising
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/Graces-Life-After-The-Rising.html
        • (#h9ZfqZF0LmQe) The 2/7th and 2/8th after the Battle of Mount Street Bridge:
          • id: h9ZfqZF0LmQe
          • leads:
            • EN:The 2/7th and 2/8th battalions continued to fight at Mount Street Bridge after the fall of 25 Northumberland Road. Over the course of the day, the British seized further buildings until they reached Clanwilliam House which was the last Irish-occupied building to fall at Mount Street Bridge.
          • taglist:
            • EN: []
          • titles:
            • EN: The 2/7th and 2/8th after the Battle of Mount Street Bridge
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/After-The-Battle.html
        • (#5koQI36JO4bR) A Still Debated Question: At what Time did 25 Northumberland Road fall?:
          • id: 5koQI36JO4bR
          • leads:
            • EN:As the first point of confrontation, 25 Northumberland Road was the first house to fall to the British. The time that the British captured the house is key to establishing a timeline for the entirety of the battle.
          • taglist:
            • EN: []
          • titles:
            • EN:A Still Debated Question: At what Time did 25 Northumberland Road fall?
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/A-Still-Debated-Question.html
        • (#IeBcoEvfCjSB) The Morning of Battle:
          • id: IeBcoEvfCjSB
          • leads:
            • EN:Approximately 1,750 Sherwood Foresters from the 2/7th and the 2/8th battalions disembarked in Kingstown on the morning of the 26th.
          • taglist:
            • EN: []
          • titles:
            • EN: The Morning of Battle
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/Morning-of-Battle.html
        • (#Uwfy6wkwK53z) Sherwood Foresters:
          • id: Uwfy6wkwK53z
          • leads:
            • EN:Despite the fact that the British Army had been making preparations to divert troops towards Ireland for ‘Home Defense’ (Maconchy Memoirs, p.445) when Patrick Pearse read out the Proclamation of the Irish Republic on Monday, 24 April 1916, the British were caught off guard.
          • taglist:
            • EN: []
          • titles:
            • EN: Sherwood Foresters
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/Sherwood-Foresters.html
        • (#TkWgNnMtmPS3) Sherwood Forest Leadership:
          • id: TkWgNnMtmPS3
          • leads:
            • EN:The Sherwood Foresters Brigade was overseen by Colonel Ernest Maconchy (later promoted to Brigadier General), and the 2/7th Robin Hood Rifles by Lieutenant Colonel Cecil Fane, assisted by Second-in-Command Major F. Rayner and Adjutant Captain Dietrichsen.
          • taglist:
            • EN: []
          • titles:
            • EN: Sherwood Forest Leadership
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/Sherwood-Forester-Leadership.html
        • (#6U8Reil7AgPw) Captain “Freddie” Christian Dietrichsen:
          • id: 6U8Reil7AgPw
          • leads:
            • EN:Captain "Freddie" Dietrichsen was one of the senior officers for the 2/7th battalion of the Robin Hoods.
          • taglist:
            • EN: []
          • titles:
            • EN: Captain “Freddie” Christian Dietrichsen
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/Captain-Freddie-D.html
        • (#jRZ2HADUOsDO) The Battle Begins:
          • id: jRZ2HADUOsDO
          • leads:
            • EN:The Sherwood Foresters’ made good progress into Dublin until the head of their column reached the intersection of Haddington and Northumberland Roads.
          • taglist:
            • EN: []
          • titles:
            • EN: The Battle Begins
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/The-Battle-Begins.html
        • (#nheXD2gqzaAu) The Foresters' Failed First Charges:
          • id: nheXD2gqzaAu
          • leads:
            • EN:In response to the first fusillade from No. 25, officers led a charge against the building which ended in failure as all involved officers were shot.
          • taglist:
            • EN: []
          • titles:
            • EN: The Foresters' Failed First Charges
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/Foresters-Failure.html
        • (#FD3Rcq8UDenK) 'Malone's Window':
          • id: FD3Rcq8UDenK
          • leads:
            • EN:Despite being occupied by only two men, 25 Northumberland Road put up an effective defense against the advancing British soldiers. As the Sherwood Foresters approached, Malone took up position in a third floor bathroom window.
          • taglist:
            • EN: []
          • titles:
            • EN: 'Malone's Window'
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/malones-window.html
        • (#s8rgNLa1ZdAn) Seamus Grace In Battle:
          • id: s8rgNLa1ZdAn
          • leads:
            • EN:Seamus Grace took up different positions on the second floor, moving from window to window to find opportunities to fire where he could.
          • taglist:
            • EN: []
          • titles:
            • EN: Seamus Grace In Battle
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/Seamus-Grace-In-Battle.html
        • (#D8vG5gHTwvzn) Tour 1 Reference List:
          • id: D8vG5gHTwvzn
          • leads:
            • EN: ''
          • titles:
            • EN: Tour 1 Reference List
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/reference-list.html
        • (#1pOx89lercaJ) Tour 2 Reference List:
          • id: 1pOx89lercaJ
          • leads:
            • EN: ''
          • taglist:
            • EN: []
          • titles:
            • EN: Tour 2 Reference List
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/refs-john.html
        • (#cpWgC9QOnvkN) Tour 3 Reference List:
          • id: cpWgC9QOnvkN
          • leads:
            • EN: ''
          • titles:
            • EN: Tour 3 Reference List
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/refs-sandra.html
        • (#O3dfC43vEqZF) Getting Started with Voyager:
          • id: O3dfC43vEqZF
          • leads:
            • EN:Before you begin exploring the model, familiarise yourself with the navigation possibilities.
          • taglist:
            • EN: []
          • titles:
            • EN: Getting Started with Voyager
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/voyager-intro.html
        • (#MAlpLnn6BTGN) Intro to Voyager:
          • id: MAlpLnn6BTGN
          • leads:
            • EN: ''
          • taglist:
            • EN: []
          • titles:
            • EN: Intro to Voyager
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/tour-intro.html
        • (#7EZGfwaqhurw) Annotation Labels:
          • id: 7EZGfwaqhurw
          • leads:
            • EN: ''
          • taglist:
            • EN: []
          • titles:
            • EN: Annotation Labels
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/tour-annotation.html
        • (#FFDHx1XUGIwX) Articles:
          • id: FFDHx1XUGIwX
          • leads:
            • EN: ''
          • titles:
            • EN: Articles
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/tour-articles.html
        • (#EyvbHOyGx9Mq) Interactive Guided Tours:
          • id: EyvbHOyGx9Mq
          • leads:
            • EN: ''
          • taglist:
            • EN: []
          • titles:
            • EN: Interactive Guided Tours
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/tour-tours.html
        • (#PxYjQlzy1Qdx) Additional Features:
          • id: PxYjQlzy1Qdx
          • leads:
            • EN: ''
          • taglist:
            • EN: []
          • titles:
            • EN: Additional Features
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/tour-features.html
        • (#wQgz3BOlq5uV) End of Tour:
          • id: wQgz3BOlq5uV
          • leads:
            • EN: ''
          • titles:
            • EN: End of Tour
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/tour-end.html
      • audio:
      • :
        • IsNarration: True
        • captionUris: {}
        • durations: {}
        • id: y6wjed7zZe4m
        • name: New Audio Element
        • uris:
          • EN: articles/Media/Albert Palmer_RTÉ_1979_1.mp3
      • collection:
        • titles:
          • EN: 25 Northumberland Road
    • :
      • articles:
        • (#0OslaaFgeLPu) Voyager Tutorial:
          • id: 0OslaaFgeLPu
          • leads:
            • EN:Guide for understanding and navigating the Voyager Explorer Interface.
          • taglist:
            • EN: []
          • titles:
            • EN: Voyager Tutorial
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/voyager-tutorial.html
        • (#UqAeAv7OGJGT) The Uprising:
          • id: UqAeAv7OGJGT
          • leads:
            • EN:Around midday on Monday 24 April 1916, Patrick Pearse read a proclamation on behalf of the ‘Provisional Government of the Irish Republic’ at the front of the General Post Office (GPO) on Dublin’s Sackville Street (now O’Connell Street).
          • taglist:
            • EN: []
          • titles:
            • EN: The Uprising
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/The-Uprising.html
        • (#0K7gYuJnKZyc) The Positioning of C Company:
          • id: 0K7gYuJnKZyc
          • leads:
            • EN:Irish Volunteers took up strategic positions around Dublin on Easter Monday in anticipation of the British response, they positioned men on the main roads leading to the city centre so as to block or at least impede the British advance.
          • taglist:
            • EN: []
          • titles:
            • EN: The Positioning of C Company
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/The-Positioning-of-C-Company.html
        • (#bKTQkoIrIhWN) 25 Northumberland Road:
          • id: bKTQkoIrIhWN
          • leads:
            • EN:25 Northumberland Road, a three-storey, Victorian terraced townhouse on the corner of the junction with Haddington Road, was the most southerly building occupied by C Company.
          • taglist:
            • EN: []
          • titles:
            • EN: 25 Northumberland Road
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/25-Northumberland-Road.html
        • (#z8I7ZdPxx2GD) Confrontation at Beggars Bush Barracks:
          • id: z8I7ZdPxx2GD
          • leads:
            • EN:Before occupying the building, three men who were later to occupy 25 Northumberland Road , Seamus Grace, Paddy Rowe, and Michael Byrne.
          • taglist:
            • EN: []
          • titles:
            • EN: Confrontation at Beggars Bush Barracks
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/The-Occupants-of-25-Northumberland-Road.html
        • (#AGPVSVDqLrk0) Battle Preparations:
          • id: AGPVSVDqLrk0
          • leads:
            • EN:At first 25 Northumberland Road was fortified by four men: Michael Malone, the commanding officer, Seamus Grace, Paddy Rowe, and Michael Byrne.
          • taglist:
            • EN: []
          • titles:
            • EN: Battle Preparations
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/Battle-Preparations.html
        • (#3xFLyX92VL4N) Michael Malone:
          • id: 3xFLyX92VL4N
          • leads:
            • EN:Michael Malone (1888-1916) was the commanding officer in charge of C Company’s defence of Northumberland Road, and a lieutenant in the 3rd Battalion of the Irish Volunteers. Born in Dublin, Malone was a carpenter who had won prizes in art and drawing from the Technical Schools.
          • taglist:
            • EN: []
          • titles:
            • EN: Michael Malone
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/Michael-Malone.html
        • (#LAl607T8xPNr) Malone's Mauser "Peter the Painter":
          • id: LAl607T8xPNr
          • leads:
            • EN:His handgun, nicknamed the “broomhandle” for its grip, was a ten round, 7.63x25mm semi-automatic pistol produced by German arms manufacturer Mauser from 1896. The C96, due to its long barrel and grade of ammunition, had a superior range compared to other handguns of the time.
          • taglist:
            • EN: []
          • titles:
            • EN: Malone's Mauser "Peter the Painter"
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/Malones-Mauser-Peter-the-Painter.html
        • (#vg6ZfBSoE0L6) Seamus Grace:
          • id: vg6ZfBSoE0L6
          • leads:
            • EN:Fighting alongside Malone at 25 Northumberland Road was Seamus Grace (1888-1959) who was also a volunteer serving in C Company.
          • taglist:
            • EN: []
          • titles:
            • EN: Seamus Grace
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/Seamus-Grace.html
        • (#UdnmwZ8xvg2U) Grace's Rifle:
          • id: UdnmwZ8xvg2U
          • leads:
            • EN:In August of 1915, Grace deserted the Canadian army and returned to Ireland.
          • taglist:
            • EN: []
          • titles:
            • EN: Grace's Rifle
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/Graces-Rifle.html
        • (#SUnh1KCVXOWK) The Storming of 25 Northumberland Road:
          • id: SUnh1KCVXOWK
          • leads:
            • EN:The occupants of 25 Northumberland Road and the Sherwood Foresters continued to exchange fire as the battle progressed.
          • taglist:
            • EN: []
          • titles:
            • EN: The Storming of 25 Northumberland Road
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/Storming-25.html
        • (#3Sosv3wmZYid) Michael Malone's Death:
          • id: 3Sosv3wmZYid
          • leads:
            • EN:The British troops managed to cut Malone and Grace off from each other leaving them unable to enact their planned last stand at the top of the house. While Grace managed to escape to the cellar, Malone was killed by rifle fire as he descended the building’s main staircase
          • taglist:
            • EN: []
          • titles:
            • EN: Michael Malone's Death
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/Michael-Malones-Death.html
        • (#idtw0nCncoXw) Seamus Grace's Escape:
          • id: idtw0nCncoXw
          • leads:
            • EN:Grace escaped from the building through the basement into the back garden. By climbing over the garden wall, he reached the nearby Percy Lane.
          • taglist:
            • EN: []
          • titles:
            • EN: Seamus Grace's Escape
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/Seamus-Graces-Escape.html
        • (#EY55WloMRxYw) Frongoch Prison Camp and Mass Amnesty for Irish Prisoners:
          • id: EY55WloMRxYw
          • leads:
            • EN:Grace spent time in multiple prisons including in Yorkshire and North Wales. He was one of 1,800 Irish prisoners detained in Frongoch internment camp in North Wales after the Rising.
          • taglist:
            • EN: []
          • titles:
            • EN: Frongoch Prison Camp and Mass Amnesty for Irish Prisoners
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/Frongoch-Prison-Camp.html
        • (#KhJWUlCx1RwN) Grace's Life after the Rising:
          • id: KhJWUlCx1RwN
          • leads:
            • EN:Eventually, Grace rejoined the Irish Volunteers and was active during the War of Independence where he suffered a gunshot wound to the leg in 1919. Grace was also active in the Anti-Treaty IRA during the Civil War.
          • taglist:
            • EN: []
          • titles:
            • EN: Grace's Life after the Rising
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/Graces-Life-After-The-Rising.html
        • (#h9ZfqZF0LmQe) The 2/7th and 2/8th after the Battle of Mount Street Bridge:
          • id: h9ZfqZF0LmQe
          • leads:
            • EN:The 2/7th and 2/8th battalions continued to fight at Mount Street Bridge after the fall of 25 Northumberland Road. Over the course of the day, the British seized further buildings until they reached Clanwilliam House which was the last Irish-occupied building to fall at Mount Street Bridge.
          • taglist:
            • EN: []
          • titles:
            • EN: The 2/7th and 2/8th after the Battle of Mount Street Bridge
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/After-The-Battle.html
        • (#5koQI36JO4bR) A Still Debated Question: At what Time did 25 Northumberland Road fall?:
          • id: 5koQI36JO4bR
          • leads:
            • EN:As the first point of confrontation, 25 Northumberland Road was the first house to fall to the British. The time that the British captured the house is key to establishing a timeline for the entirety of the battle.
          • taglist:
            • EN: []
          • titles:
            • EN:A Still Debated Question: At what Time did 25 Northumberland Road fall?
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/A-Still-Debated-Question.html
        • (#IeBcoEvfCjSB) The Morning of Battle:
          • id: IeBcoEvfCjSB
          • leads:
            • EN:Approximately 1,750 Sherwood Foresters from the 2/7th and the 2/8th battalions disembarked in Kingstown on the morning of the 26th.
          • taglist:
            • EN: []
          • titles:
            • EN: The Morning of Battle
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/Morning-of-Battle.html
        • (#Uwfy6wkwK53z) Sherwood Foresters:
          • id: Uwfy6wkwK53z
          • leads:
            • EN:Despite the fact that the British Army had been making preparations to divert troops towards Ireland for ‘Home Defense’ (Maconchy Memoirs, p.445) when Patrick Pearse read out the Proclamation of the Irish Republic on Monday, 24 April 1916, the British were caught off guard.
          • taglist:
            • EN: []
          • titles:
            • EN: Sherwood Foresters
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/Sherwood-Foresters.html
        • (#TkWgNnMtmPS3) Sherwood Forest Leadership:
          • id: TkWgNnMtmPS3
          • leads:
            • EN:The Sherwood Foresters Brigade was overseen by Colonel Ernest Maconchy (later promoted to Brigadier General), and the 2/7th Robin Hood Rifles by Lieutenant Colonel Cecil Fane, assisted by Second-in-Command Major F. Rayner and Adjutant Captain Dietrichsen.
          • taglist:
            • EN: []
          • titles:
            • EN: Sherwood Forest Leadership
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/Sherwood-Forester-Leadership.html
        • (#6U8Reil7AgPw) Captain “Freddie” Christian Dietrichsen:
          • id: 6U8Reil7AgPw
          • leads:
            • EN:Captain "Freddie" Dietrichsen was one of the senior officers for the 2/7th battalion of the Robin Hoods.
          • taglist:
            • EN: []
          • titles:
            • EN: Captain “Freddie” Christian Dietrichsen
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/Captain-Freddie-D.html
        • (#jRZ2HADUOsDO) The Battle Begins:
          • id: jRZ2HADUOsDO
          • leads:
            • EN:The Sherwood Foresters’ made good progress into Dublin until the head of their column reached the intersection of Haddington and Northumberland Roads.
          • taglist:
            • EN: []
          • titles:
            • EN: The Battle Begins
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/The-Battle-Begins.html
        • (#nheXD2gqzaAu) The Foresters' Failed First Charges:
          • id: nheXD2gqzaAu
          • leads:
            • EN:In response to the first fusillade from No. 25, officers led a charge against the building which ended in failure as all involved officers were shot.
          • taglist:
            • EN: []
          • titles:
            • EN: The Foresters' Failed First Charges
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/Foresters-Failure.html
        • (#FD3Rcq8UDenK) 'Malone's Window':
          • id: FD3Rcq8UDenK
          • leads:
            • EN:Despite being occupied by only two men, 25 Northumberland Road put up an effective defense against the advancing British soldiers. As the Sherwood Foresters approached, Malone took up position in a third floor bathroom window.
          • taglist:
            • EN: []
          • titles:
            • EN: 'Malone's Window'
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/malones-window.html
        • (#s8rgNLa1ZdAn) Seamus Grace In Battle:
          • id: s8rgNLa1ZdAn
          • leads:
            • EN:Seamus Grace took up different positions on the second floor, moving from window to window to find opportunities to fire where he could.
          • taglist:
            • EN: []
          • titles:
            • EN: Seamus Grace In Battle
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/Seamus-Grace-In-Battle.html
        • (#D8vG5gHTwvzn) Tour 1 Reference List:
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            • EN: Tour 1 Reference List
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            • EN: articles/reference-list.html
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            • EN: []
          • titles:
            • EN: Tour 2 Reference List
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/refs-john.html
        • (#cpWgC9QOnvkN) Tour 3 Reference List:
          • id: cpWgC9QOnvkN
          • leads:
            • EN: ''
          • titles:
            • EN: Tour 3 Reference List
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/refs-sandra.html
        • (#O3dfC43vEqZF) Getting Started with Voyager:
          • id: O3dfC43vEqZF
          • leads:
            • EN:Before you begin exploring the model, familiarise yourself with the navigation possibilities.
          • taglist:
            • EN: []
          • titles:
            • EN: Getting Started with Voyager
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/voyager-intro.html
        • (#MAlpLnn6BTGN) Intro to Voyager:
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          • leads:
            • EN: ''
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            • EN: []
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            • EN: Intro to Voyager
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            • EN: articles/tour-intro.html
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            • EN: []
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            • EN: Annotation Labels
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            • EN: articles/tour-annotation.html
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            • EN: Articles
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/tour-articles.html
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          • id: EyvbHOyGx9Mq
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            • EN: ''
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            • EN: []
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            • EN: Interactive Guided Tours
          • uris:
            • EN: articles/tour-tours.html
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            • EN: Additional Features
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            • EN: articles/tour-features.html
        • (#wQgz3BOlq5uV) End of Tour:
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            • EN: End of Tour
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          • EN: 25 Northumberland Road
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          • EN:Armed with a modified Mauser automatic pistol, Michael Malone found opportunity to live up to his crack shot reputation and was responsible for several of the casualties inflicted upon the British.
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          • EN:Corporal H. Hutchinson and Private J. F. Booth of the 2/7th blew in the barricaded doors of 25 Northumberland Road. Both men received promotions for their achievements after the battle.
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        • id: 7nlU7EIlTo5h
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          • EN:25 Northumberland Road, a three-storey, Victorian terraced townhouse on the corner of the junction with Haddington Road, was the most southerly building occupied by Malone's force.
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        • id: 73tBWtY2rirE
        • leads:
          • EN:Seamus Grace made his escape from the British by fleeing through the back garden of 25 Northumberland Road and taking Percy Lane to get to Percy Place.
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          • EN:Beggars Bush Barracks was where Grace and two other Volunteers had been originally positioned.
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          • curve: EaseOutQuad
          • duration: 1.5
          • id: CPBzoi
          • values:
            • True
            • Uwfy6wkwK53z
            • 3:
              • 1.3693694
              • 98.0720721
              • 0
            • 4:
              • 9400.4277931
              • 4722.4561395
              • 28993.1495925
            • 0
            • ''
            • ''
            • 0
            • 1
            • 0
            • 0
            • 12:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 13:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 14:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 15:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
        • (#wYZeeU):
          • curve: EaseOutQuad
          • duration: 1.5
          • id: wYZeeU
          • values:
            • True
            • TkWgNnMtmPS3
            • 3:
              • 1.0626816
              • 131.9451967
              • 0
            • 4:
              • -744.5179684
              • 4274.5641713
              • 20648.7826518
            • 0
            • ''
            • ''
            • 0
            • 1
            • 0
            • 0
            • 12:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 13:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 14:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 15:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
        • (#As9T2Z):
          • curve: EaseOutQuad
          • duration: 1.5
          • id: As9T2Z
          • values:
            • 0
            • jRZ2HADUOsDO
            • 3:
              • -11.7990645
              • 19.0773512
              • 0
            • 4:
              • 9400.4277931
              • 4722.4561395
              • 19771.4486055
            • True
            • wuUnCKQDcdGO
            • Volunteer Positions
            • 0
            • 1
            • 0
            • 0
            • 12:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 13:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 14:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 15:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
        • (#H7wzPb):
          • curve: EaseOutQuad
          • duration: 1.5
          • id: H7wzPb
          • values:
            • 0
            • FD3Rcq8UDenK
            • 3:
              • -7.1787072
              • -35.5130422
              • 0
            • 4:
              • 8766.9112324
              • 8217.119171
              • 2263.0497905
            • 0
            • ''
            • ''
            • 0
            • 1
            • 0
            • 0
            • 12:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 13:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 14:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 15:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
        • (#AQj6q1):
          • curve: EaseOutQuad
          • duration: 1.5
          • id: AQj6q1
          • values:
            • 0
            • FD3Rcq8UDenK
            • 3:
              • -8.5405405
              • 123.4414414
              • 0
            • 4:
              • 9400.4277931
              • 4722.4561395
              • 21170.3616783
            • True
            • 8oNknB0cyisK
            • Volunteer Positions
            • 0
            • 1
            • 0
            • 0
            • 12:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 13:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 14:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 15:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
        • (#WAcfQ4):
          • curve: EaseOutQuad
          • duration: 5
          • id: WAcfQ4
          • values:
            • 0
            • s8rgNLa1ZdAn
            • 3:
              • -11.7560415
              • -79.4932526
              • 0
            • 4:
              • -2684.8770119
              • 7092.3708568
              • 0.1
            • 0
            • ''
            • ''
            • 0
            • 1
            • 0
            • 0
            • 12:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 13:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 14:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 15:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
        • (#nIH4xp):
          • curve: EaseOutQuad
          • duration: 4
          • id: nIH4xp
          • values:
            • 0
            • ''
            • 3:
              • 1.7657658
              • 133.3513514
              • 0
            • 4:
              • 9400.4277931
              • 4722.4561395
              • 24984.2376702
            • True
            • efjVWCLxvtCh
            • Battle in the Building
            • 0
            • 1
            • 0
            • 0
            • 12:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 13:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 14:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 15:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
        • (#viaFYS):
          • curve: EaseOutQuad
          • duration: 1.5
          • id: viaFYS
          • values:
            • True
            • SUnh1KCVXOWK
            • 3:
              • 1.7657658
              • 133.3513514
              • 0
            • 4:
              • 9400.4277931
              • 4722.4561395
              • 24984.2376702
            • 0
            • efjVWCLxvtCh
            • ''
            • 0
            • 1
            • 0
            • 0
            • 12:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 13:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 14:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 15:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
        • (#M1azbE):
          • curve: EaseOutQuad
          • duration: 5
          • id: M1azbE
          • threshold: 0.15
          • values:
            • 0
            • ''
            • 3:
              • -20.6865629
              • 69.7618721
              • 0
            • 4:
              • -9083.5823345
              • 2253.9542447
              • 24984.2376702
            • True
            • qglimJ4PTwro
            • Battle in the Building, Map
            • 0
            • 1
            • 0
            • 0
            • 12:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 13:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 14:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 15:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
        • (#LZQsmG):
          • curve: EaseOutQuad
          • duration: 4
          • id: LZQsmG
          • threshold: 0.2
          • values:
            • True
            • EY55WloMRxYw
            • 3:
              • -7.5901574
              • 132.7249399
              • 0
            • 4:
              • 7291.8068874
              • 4134.8064932
              • 29283.1621153
            • 0
            • qglimJ4PTwro
            • ''
            • 0
            • 1
            • 0
            • 0
            • 12:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 13:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 14:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 15:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
        • (#QJ1vjH):
          • curve: EaseOutQuad
          • duration: 1.5
          • id: QJ1vjH
          • values:
            • 0
            • s8rgNLa1ZdAn
            • 3:
              • -8.5405405
              • 123.4414414
              • 0
            • 4:
              • 9400.4277931
              • 4722.4561395
              • 28323.5871837
            • 0
            • 8oNknB0cyisK
            • ''
            • 0
            • 1
            • 0
            • 0
            • 12:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 13:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 14:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 15:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
        • (#7ah1rL):
          • curve: EaseOutQuad
          • duration: 1.5
          • id: 7ah1rL
          • values:
            • True
            • IeBcoEvfCjSB
            • 3:
              • 3.3513514
              • 89.06944
              • 0
            • 4:
              • 9400.4277931
              • 4722.4561395
              • 43969.4412864
            • 0
            • ''
            • ''
            • 0
            • 1
            • 0
            • 0
            • 12:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 13:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 14:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 15:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
        • (#h85PH9):
          • curve: EaseOutQuad
          • duration: 1.5
          • id: h85PH9
          • values:
            • True
            • D8vG5gHTwvzn
            • 3:
              • 0.3783784
              • 176.5585586
              • 0
            • 4:
              • -1104.3280784
              • 5896.7832056
              • 25793.1485263
            • 0
            • ''
            • ''
            • 0
            • 1
            • 0
            • 0
            • 12:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 13:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 14:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 15:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
        • (#2gJzXP):
          • curve: EaseOutQuad
          • duration: 6
          • id: 2gJzXP
          • values:
            • True
            • 1pOx89lercaJ
            • 3:
              • 3.3513514
              • 89.06944
              • 0
            • 4:
              • 9400.4277931
              • 4722.4561395
              • 43969.4412864
            • 0
            • 8oNknB0cyisK
            • ''
            • 0
            • 1
            • 0
            • 0
            • 12:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 13:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 14:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 15:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
        • (#3yfr24):
          • curve: EaseOutQuad
          • duration: 1.5
          • id: 3yfr24
          • values:
            • True
            • FD3Rcq8UDenK
            • 3:
              • -7.1787072
              • -35.5130422
              • 0
            • 4:
              • 8766.9112324
              • 8217.119171
              • 2263.0497905
            • 0
            • ''
            • ''
            • 0
            • 1
            • 0
            • 0
            • 12:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 13:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 14:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 15:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
        • (#74FzqT):
          • curve: EaseOutQuad
          • duration: 1.5
          • id: 74FzqT
          • values:
            • True
            • s8rgNLa1ZdAn
            • 3:
              • -11.7560415
              • -79.4932526
              • 0
            • 4:
              • -2684.8770119
              • 7092.3708568
              • 0.1
            • 0
            • ''
            • ''
            • 0
            • 1
            • 0
            • 0
            • 12:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 13:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 14:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 15:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
        • (#MURAjo):
          • curve: EaseQuart
          • duration: 5
          • id: MURAjo
          • values:
            • 0
            • FD3Rcq8UDenK
            • 3:
              • -21.978104
              • -28.054628
              • 0
            • 4:
              • 9325.2958965
              • 9054.6893863
              • 0.4926306
            • 0
            • ''
            • ''
            • 0
            • 1
            • 0
            • 0
            • 12:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 13:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 14:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 15:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
        • (#CdJQKj):
          • curve: EaseOutQuad
          • duration: 1.5
          • id: CdJQKj
          • values:
            • True
            • jRZ2HADUOsDO
            • 3:
              • -21.978104
              • -28.054628
              • 0
            • 4:
              • 9325.2958965
              • 9054.6893863
              • 0.4926306
            • 0
            • ''
            • ''
            • 0
            • 1
            • 0
            • 0
            • 12:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 13:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 14:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 15:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
        • (#grw6Ck):
          • curve: EaseOutQuad
          • duration: 1.5
          • id: grw6Ck
          • values:
            • True
            • 6U8Reil7AgPw
            • 3:
              • -21.978104
              • -28.054628
              • 0
            • 4:
              • 9325.2958965
              • 9054.6893863
              • 0.4926306
            • 0
            • ''
            • ''
            • 0
            • 1
            • 0
            • 0
            • 12:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 13:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 14:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 15:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
        • (#Dq4K1a):
          • curve: EaseOutQuad
          • duration: 1.5
          • id: Dq4K1a
          • values:
            • True
            • nheXD2gqzaAu
            • 3:
              • -21.978104
              • -28.054628
              • 0
            • 4:
              • 9325.2958965
              • 9054.6893863
              • 0.4926306
            • 0
            • ''
            • ''
            • 0
            • 1
            • 0
            • 0
            • 12:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 13:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 14:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 15:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
        • (#lUk2XF):
          • curve: EaseOutQuad
          • duration: 3
          • id: lUk2XF
          • values:
            • 0
            • UqAeAv7OGJGT
            • 3:
              • 2.7376646
              • 145.8750203
              • 0
            • 4:
              • 876.3419713
              • 5166.4888228
              • 25793.1485263
            • 0
            • ''
            • ''
            • 0
            • 1
            • 0
            • 0
            • 12:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 13:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 14:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 15:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
        • (#BwE4K6):
          • curve: EaseOutQuad
          • duration: 1.5
          • id: BwE4K6
          • values:
            • True
            • UqAeAv7OGJGT
            • 3:
              • 2.7376646
              • 145.8750203
              • 0
            • 4:
              • 876.3419713
              • 5166.4888228
              • 25793.1485263
            • 0
            • ''
            • ''
            • 0
            • 1
            • 0
            • 0
            • 12:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 13:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 14:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 15:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
        • (#wstBZU):
          • curve: EaseInCubic
          • duration: 6
          • id: wstBZU
          • threshold: 0.05
          • values:
            • 0
            • 0K7gYuJnKZyc
            • 3:
              • -61.8385913
              • 173.7312032
              • 0
            • 4:
              • 69050.7864202
              • -24475.712609
              • 166513.8995579
            • True
            • ''
            • Map
            • 0
            • 1
            • 0
            • 0
            • 12:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 13:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 14:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 15:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
        • (#b8exIY):
          • curve: EaseOutQuad
          • duration: 1.5
          • id: b8exIY
          • values:
            • True
            • 0K7gYuJnKZyc
            • 3:
              • -61.8385913
              • 173.7312032
              • 0
            • 4:
              • 69050.7864202
              • -24475.712609
              • 166513.8995579
            • True
            • ''
            • Map
            • 0
            • 1
            • 0
            • 0
            • 12:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 13:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 14:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 15:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
        • (#5yql8C):
          • curve: EaseOutQuad
          • duration: 3
          • id: 5yql8C
          • values:
            • True
            • z8I7ZdPxx2GD
            • 3:
              • -18.7885167
              • 323.4707411
              • 0
            • 4:
              • -3496.578704
              • 20629.4305763
              • 464.3081581
            • 0
            • kwDA0ql2HThT
            • Map
            • 0
            • 1
            • 0
            • 0
            • 12:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 13:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 14:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 15:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
        • (#2kk6B2):
          • curve: EaseOutQuad
          • duration: 1.5
          • id: 2kk6B2
          • values:
            • True
            • AGPVSVDqLrk0
            • 3:
              • -18.7885167
              • 323.4707411
              • 0
            • 4:
              • -3496.578704
              • 20629.4305763
              • 464.3081581
            • 0
            • kwDA0ql2HThT
            • Map
            • 0
            • 1
            • 0
            • 0
            • 12:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 13:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 14:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 15:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
        • (#f5Jm9q):
          • curve: EaseOutQuad
          • duration: 1.5
          • id: f5Jm9q
          • values:
            • True
            • 3xFLyX92VL4N
            • 3:
              • -12.2677571
              • 109.0264102
              • 0
            • 4:
              • -17.596299
              • 4251.5126621
              • 24164.507819
            • True
            • wuUnCKQDcdGO
            • Volunteer Positions
            • 0
            • 1
            • 0
            • 0
            • 12:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 13:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 14:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 15:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
        • (#EfRwUg):
          • curve: EaseOutQuad
          • duration: 1.5
          • id: EfRwUg
          • values:
            • True
            • LAl607T8xPNr
            • 3:
              • -12.2677571
              • 109.0264102
              • 0
            • 4:
              • -17.596299
              • 4251.5126621
              • 24164.507819
            • 0
            • wuUnCKQDcdGO
            • Volunteer Positions
            • 0
            • 1
            • 0
            • 0
            • 12:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 13:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 14:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 15:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
        • (#7hkiAv):
          • curve: EaseOutQuad
          • duration: 1.5
          • id: 7hkiAv
          • values:
            • True
            • vg6ZfBSoE0L6
            • 3:
              • -5.0722539
              • 154.8186771
              • 0
            • 4:
              • -3420.7375186
              • 3406.7562858
              • 27024.7195299
            • 0
            • 8oNknB0cyisK
            • Volunteer Positions
            • 0
            • 1
            • 0
            • 0
            • 12:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 13:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 14:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 15:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
        • (#kfHRt8):
          • curve: EaseOutQuad
          • duration: 1.5
          • id: kfHRt8
          • values:
            • True
            • UdnmwZ8xvg2U
            • 3:
              • -5.0722539
              • 154.8186771
              • 0
            • 4:
              • -3420.7375186
              • 3406.7562858
              • 27024.7195299
            • 0
            • 8oNknB0cyisK
            • Volunteer Positions
            • 0
            • 1
            • 0
            • 0
            • 12:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 13:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 14:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 15:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
        • (#CtARzS):
          • curve: EaseOutQuad
          • duration: 1.5
          • id: CtARzS
          • values:
            • True
            • idtw0nCncoXw
            • 3:
              • -9.8669999
              • 69.943854
              • 0
            • 4:
              • -41124.0059546
              • 3891.77356
              • 10458.3093841
            • 0
            • qglimJ4PTwro
            • Battle in the Building, Map
            • 0
            • 1
            • 0
            • 0
            • 12:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 13:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 14:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 15:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
        • (#bISnDQ):
          • curve: EaseOutQuad
          • duration: 1.5
          • id: bISnDQ
          • values:
            • True
            • KhJWUlCx1RwN
            • 3:
              • -7.5901574
              • 132.7249399
              • 0
            • 4:
              • 7291.8068874
              • 4134.8064932
              • 29283.1621153
            • 0
            • qglimJ4PTwro
            • ''
            • 0
            • 1
            • 0
            • 0
            • 12:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 13:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 14:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
            • 15:
              • 0
              • 0
              • 0
        • (#i1KhcN):
          • curve: EaseOutQuad
          • duration: 4
          • id: i1KhcN
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    • tours:
      • 0 - Voyager Quick Start Guide:
        • leads:
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        • steps:
          • (#j3R5Jn) Intro:
            • id: j3R5Jn
            • titles:
              • EN: Intro
          • (#vT8ABz) Annotation Labels:
            • id: vT8ABz
            • titles:
              • EN: Annotation Labels
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            • id: FPVNR4
            • titles:
              • EN: Annotation Labels
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            • titles:
              • EN: Interactive Guided Tours
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            • id: cCCeav
            • titles:
              • EN: Additional Features
          • (#vSLTxP) End of Tour:
            • id: vSLTxP
            • titles:
              • EN: End of Tour
        • taglist:
          • EN: []
        • titles:
          • EN: 0 - Voyager Quick Start Guide
      • 1 - Introduction to 25 Northumberland Road:
        • leads:
          • EN: ''
        • steps:
          • (#lUk2XF) Start of Tour 1: Introduction to 25 Northumberland Road:
            • id: lUk2XF
            • titles:
              • EN: Start of Tour 1: Introduction to 25 Northumberland Road
          • (#BwE4K6) The Uprising:
            • id: BwE4K6
            • titles:
              • EN: The Uprising
          • (#wstBZU) The Positioning of Malone's Force:
            • id: wstBZU
            • titles:
              • EN: The Positioning of Malone's Force
          • (#b8exIY) The Positioning of Malone's Force:
            • id: b8exIY
            • titles:
              • EN: The Positioning of Malone's Force
          • (#zWB2nw) 25 Northumberland Road:
            • id: zWB2nw
            • titles:
              • EN: 25 Northumberland Road
          • (#kWd2IS) 25 Northumberland Road:
            • id: kWd2IS
            • titles:
              • EN: 25 Northumberland Road
          • (#IwBiBq) Direction of Beggars Bush Barracks:
            • id: IwBiBq
            • titles:
              • EN: Direction of Beggars Bush Barracks
          • (#5yql8C) Confrontation at Beggars Bush Barracks:
            • id: 5yql8C
            • titles:
              • EN: Confrontation at Beggars Bush Barracks
          • (#2kk6B2) Battle Preparations:
            • id: 2kk6B2
            • titles:
              • EN: Battle Preparations
          • (#cwPJOZ) Michael Malone:
            • id: cwPJOZ
            • titles:
              • EN: Michael Malone
          • (#f5Jm9q) Michael Malone:
            • id: f5Jm9q
            • titles:
              • EN: Michael Malone
          • (#EfRwUg) Malone's Mauser "Peter the Painter":
            • id: EfRwUg
            • titles:
              • EN: Malone's Mauser "Peter the Painter"
          • (#ljuZrs) Seamus Grace:
            • id: ljuZrs
            • titles:
              • EN: Seamus Grace
          • (#7hkiAv) Seamus Grace:
            • id: 7hkiAv
            • titles:
              • EN: Seamus Grace
          • (#kfHRt8) Grace's Rifle:
            • id: kfHRt8
            • titles:
              • EN: Grace's Rifle
          • (#h85PH9) Reference List:
            • id: h85PH9
            • titles:
              • EN: Reference List
          • (#s49yWJ) End of Tour 1:
            • id: s49yWJ
            • titles:
              • EN: End of Tour 1
        • taglist:
          • EN: []
        • titles:
          • EN: 1 - Introduction to 25 Northumberland Road
      • 2 - The Battle of 25 Northumberland Road:
        • leads:
          • EN: ''
        • steps:
          • (#53ALp1) Start of Tour 2: The Battle of 25 Northumberland:
            • id: 53ALp1
            • titles:
              • EN: Start of Tour 2: The Battle of 25 Northumberland
          • (#7ah1rL) The Morning of the Battle:
            • id: 7ah1rL
            • titles:
              • EN: The Morning of the Battle
          • (#CPBzoi) The Sherwood Foresters :
            • id: CPBzoi
            • titles:
              • EN: The Sherwood Foresters
          • (#wYZeeU) Sherwood Forester Leadership:
            • id: wYZeeU
            • titles:
              • EN: Sherwood Forester Leadership
          • (#MURAjo) 25 Northumberland Road Vantage Point:
            • id: MURAjo
            • titles:
              • EN: 25 Northumberland Road Vantage Point
          • (#CdJQKj) The Battle Begins:
            • id: CdJQKj
            • titles:
              • EN: The Battle Begins
          • (#grw6Ck) Captain Frederick Christian Dietrichsen:
            • id: grw6Ck
            • titles:
              • EN: Captain Frederick Christian Dietrichsen
          • (#Dq4K1a) The Foresters' Failed First Charge:
            • id: Dq4K1a
            • titles:
              • EN: The Foresters' Failed First Charge
          • (#As9T2Z) Malone's Window:
            • id: As9T2Z
            • titles:
              • EN: Malone's Window
          • (#H7wzPb) Malone's Window cont.:
            • id: H7wzPb
            • titles:
              • EN: Malone's Window cont.
          • (#3yfr24) Malone's Window Cont.:
            • id: 3yfr24
            • titles:
              • EN: Malone's Window Cont.
          • (#AQj6q1) Grace's Position:
            • id: AQj6q1
            • titles:
              • EN: Grace's Position
          • (#WAcfQ4) Grace's Position cont.:
            • id: WAcfQ4
            • titles:
              • EN: Grace's Position cont.
          • (#74FzqT) Grace's Position cont.:
            • id: 74FzqT
            • titles:
              • EN: Grace's Position cont.
          • (#2gJzXP) Reference List:
            • id: 2gJzXP
            • titles:
              • EN: Reference List
          • (#QJ1vjH) End of Tour 2:
            • id: QJ1vjH
            • titles:
              • EN: End of Tour 2
        • taglist:
          • EN: []
        • titles:
          • EN: 2 - The Battle of 25 Northumberland Road
      • 3 - The Fall of 25 Northumberland Road:
        • leads:
          • EN: ''
        • steps:
          • (#nIH4xp) Start of Tour 3: The Fall of 25 Northumberland Road:
            • id: nIH4xp
            • titles:
              • EN: Start of Tour 3: The Fall of 25 Northumberland Road
          • (#viaFYS) The Storming of 25 Northumberland Road:
            • id: viaFYS
            • titles:
              • EN: The Storming of 25 Northumberland Road
          • (#xKaHqz) Michael Malone's Death on the Main Stairway:
            • id: xKaHqz
            • titles:
              • EN: Michael Malone's Death on the Main Stairway
          • (#yReJYl) Michael Malone's Death on the Main Stairway:
            • id: yReJYl
            • titles:
              • EN: Michael Malone's Death on the Main Stairway
          • (#M1azbE) Back Garden:
            • id: M1azbE
            • titles:
              • EN: Back Garden
          • (#CtARzS) Seamus Grace's Escape through the Back Garden:
            • id: CtARzS
            • titles:
              • EN: Seamus Grace's Escape through the Back Garden
          • (#LZQsmG) Frongoch Prison Camp and Mass Amnesty for Irish Prisoners:
            • id: LZQsmG
            • titles:
              • EN: Frongoch Prison Camp and Mass Amnesty for Irish Prisoners
          • (#bISnDQ) Grace's Life after the Rising:
            • id: bISnDQ
            • titles:
              • EN: Grace's Life after the Rising
          • (#i1KhcN) The 2/7th and 2/8th after the Battle of Mount Street Bridge:
            • id: i1KhcN
            • titles:
              • EN: The 2/7th and 2/8th after the Battle of Mount Street Bridge
          • (#EadClD) A still debated Question: At what Time did 25 Northumberland Road fall?:
            • id: EadClD
            • titles:
              • EN:A still debated Question: At what Time did 25 Northumberland Road fall?
          • (#1zTpDP) Reference List:
            • id: 1zTpDP
            • titles:
              • EN: Reference List
          • (#ZEkGxo) End of Tour 3:
            • id: ZEkGxo
            • titles:
              • EN: End of Tour 3
        • taglist:
          • EN: []
        • titles:
          • EN: 3 - The Fall of 25 Northumberland Road
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Table of Models
Table of Articles
Table of Media
Table of link(s) with missing target